Poincaré Seminar

French version / version française


The Poincaré Seminar has been founded in 2001.

The goal of this seminar is to provide information on topics of current interest in physics. Its way of working is directly inspired by the seminar Bourbaki in mathematics, hence is nicknamed « Bourbaphy ». A series of pedagogical talks will aim at explaining a topic of current interest both from a theoretical and an experimental point of view, possibly complemented by a historical introduction. A booklet with the contributions of the speakers will be distributed on the day of the seminar, and a book is usually published some months later in the « Progress in Mathematical Physics » series by Birkhäuser. The seminar aims at a general audience of mathematicians and physicists and does not require any specialized knowledge.

The last seminar took place on Saturday, December 16th 2023. It was devoted to:

Quantum Gravity


- Texts of talks given at previous seminars
- Posters or Programs of previous seminars
- New: Video Links

The complete « Bourbaphy » collection

Vacuum Energy


Bose-Einstein Condensation


String Theory

Quantum Hall Effect

Einstein, 1905-2005

Quantum Decoherence

Gravitation and Experiment

Quantum Spaces

The Spin

Physics and Biology

Glasses and Granular Materials

The Chaos


Poincaré 1912-2012

Bohr 1913-2013

Dirac Matter(s)

The H Boson

The Universe

Strings & Maths

Gravitational Waves


Quantum Gravity

Contact the organizers.